

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hernia formation is associated with alterations of collagen metabolism. Collagen synthesis and degradation cause a systemic release of products, which are measurable in serum. Recently, we reported changes in type V and IV collagen metabolisms in patients with inguinal and incis...

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BACKGROUND: Throughout life, inguinal hernia develops in approximately every fourth man, some of whom develop multiple hernias. If patients at risk of developing multiple hernias could be identified by a serologic biomarker, treatment might be able to be tailored and improved. Evidence suggests that...

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Background: Disturbed metabolism in the extracellular matrix (ECM) contributes to formation of abdominal wall hernias. The aim of this study was to gain deeper insight into the ECM turnover in hernia patients by analyzing serum biomarkers specifically reflecting collagen synthesis and breakdown in t...

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